3 thoughts on “15 Screwed Up Catholic Ideas That May Affect Your Sex Life Even If You’re Not Religious

  1. tildeb says:

    Yes, it is awesome because it’s true and spoken without apology or any religious mewling. These dysfunctional notions are only the tip of the iceberg of perniciousness caused by faith-based beliefs privileged and granted any semblance of respect in the public domain. This must stop. But can we at least stop implementing these notions in our own lives? That’s the challenge.

    • kat says:

      “it’s true and spoken without apology or any religious mewling”

      http://valerietarico.com is probably one of my favorite blogs to follow, for that exact reason.

      “can we at least stop implementing these notions in our own lives? That’s the challenge.”

      That is (one of many) challenges I’m struggling with.

      • tildeb says:

        Yes, I very much appreciate Valerie’s blog and the effort she puts into these terrific and lucid posts.

        I think each us is our own front line in the battle of overcoming bad ideas taught to us when we were vulnerable to them. It’s difficult but very rewarding to replace these with our own… ones that we honestly come to own and for which we alone are responsible. Such honesty of character then makes us authentic people (with our own foibles) and I think others are drawn to that because it’s not something you can buy or copy or even borrow but have to earn one punishment so to speak at a time (that’s how reality tends to teach us… first the punishment and then we have to figure out the lesson… hence the challenges!). Valerie’s blog offers us some of these lessons, I think, and that’s why I’m so appreciative of them.

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